Braces in Hamilton and Stevensville MT

Braces straighten your teeth and give you a beautiful smile. But there are also numerous health benefits to having straight teeth. Having crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth can lead to tooth decay or gum disease. These problems can make it harder to keep your mouth clean and healthy, which puts you at risk for additional health problems. Even correcting minor alignment issues can eliminate symptoms like headaches or jaw pain.

Correcting spacing makes it easier to keep plaque from building up between teeth. And when teeth are correctly aligned, you can more easily reach every surface with your toothbrush and clean them thoroughly. This helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. Brushing and flossing are more manageable when you have straight teeth, too. When you can clean your teeth more efficiently, you lower your risk of oral health problems like gingivitis.

Straighter teeth also make it easier to chew your food so you can digest it more easily.

Additionally, correcting your bite can also prevent sensitivity issues and broken teeth that can develop from misalignment. An overbite or underbite can cause painful conditions over time. Misaligned jaws can also cause tension in your neck and shoulders. Visit our orthodontists at Carroll Orthodontics for the best possible care tailored to your specific needs.

What Sets Our Braces Apart?

We use the latest technology to create a treatment plan tailored to each patient’s teeth, face, and smile goals. This technology lets us plan tooth movements and give you the straightest smile possible.

But what really sets our braces apart is the design and technology that comprise the Pitts21 and Clear21 brackets that we use. Because of their designs and technologies, they are more efficient in moving your misaligned teeth to their proper positions. Also, their self-ligating feature reduces the number of visits you need to make to our orthodontist for checkups and adjustments. 

The Benefits of Pitts21 Brackets

Pitts21 braces are offered because they are the most modern, self-ligating braces on the market today. Because of their innovative design, they are more comfortable to wear, easier to care for, and more convenient for our patients. They are designed to tighten on their own and provide superior results rapidly.

Pitts21 braces are gentle but accurate, giving you the Hollywood smile you've always wanted in far less time than you might think. The self-ligating mechanism takes care of everything, ensuring healthy tooth movement and total control over your winning smile.

After a brief adjustment period, patients find the braces to be extremely pleasant. Unlike other metal braces, the self-ligating clips and wire are gentle against the inside of your lips. Pitts21 braces are designed to minimally protrude, reducing potential sources of irritation.

The Benefits of Clear21 Bracket

The first and only aesthetic self-ligating system enables 3D control before and during treatment. The days of severe wire tightening are over with Clear21's rubber band-less door. Because plaque has less chance to accumulate, this aspect contributes to better hygiene. Many may not even notice you're wearing braces because they're made of a translucent material that are both inconspicuous and resistant to stains and discoloration throughout treatment.

How to Take Care of Braces?

Brushing and Flossing

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy with braces is just like taking care of your natural teeth — by brushing and flossing at least twice daily. We recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, especially one that doesn’t contain whitening agents. Our orthodontist can recommend special floss threaders to help get around wires and other tricky spots.

Make sure to visit our orthodontist for regular checkups and cleanings. These appointments can help keep your teeth free of plaque buildup, a significant cause of cavities and gum disease. And if you have any other questions about caring for your braces, ask our orthodontist at your next checkup!

Avoid Sticky or Hard Foods

Sticky and hard foods can damage your braces. Instead, eat more soft foods until the brackets come off! Most orthodontists recommend that you avoid eating sugary foods as often as possible. Eating a piece of fruit is best rather than eating candy, which is like pouring sugar all over your teeth.

It would help if you also tried to avoid foods that are incredibly chewy or difficult to bite into. Examples include caramel candies or popcorn kernels. These foods can get stuck in the wires and irritate your mouth. Avoid these snacks until you’ve adjusted to having your braces on. With time and practice, you’ll soon be able to eat anything you want!

Get in touch with Carroll Orthodontics at 1116 W Main St, Hamilton, MT 59840, or 3920 US Hwy 93, Stevensville, MT 59870, or call (406) 363-2200 to learn more about braces and how they can benefit your smile!


1116 W Main St, Hamilton, MT 59840

Phone: (406) 363-2200


  • MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed
Contact Us

3920 US Hwy 93, Stevensville, MT 59870

Phone: (406) 363-2200


  • MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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