Tips for Eating and Drinking with Braces

Tips for Eating and Drinking with Braces

Posted by Carroll Orthodontics Apr 07, 2023

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Having braces doesn’t mean that you have to give up all your favorite foods. Still, it is important to know which foods can damage your braces. Here are some tips for eating and drinking with braces as explained by our orthodontist in Hamilton, MT, and orthodontist in Stevensville, MT.

Is It Safe To Eat Or Drink With Braces?

Yes! As long as you use common sense, you can continue to enjoy your normal diet while wearing braces. However, there are a few precautions you should take when eating or drinking anything that could be damaging to the braces or teeth.

Foods And Drinks Safe To Eat

Your best bet is to eat food that is easy to chew! Bananas and applesauce make great healthy, easy-to-chew snacks while you eat other foods because they clean your teeth as you eat them. Other good options for snacks and meals are scrambled eggs, yogurt, soups, salads, and cooked vegetables. If you need ideas, always ask us for suggestions, as we’re always happy to help our patients out!

Foods And Drinks Unsafe For Your Braces

You should avoid hard foods, like fruit pits, popcorn kernels, and ice, because they can damage the wires. You should also avoid sticky candy, gum, and other chewy foods, as they can stick to your braces and cause tooth decay.

Here are some foods that you should avoid:

  • Hard candies, including lollipops and mints
  • Corn on the cob
  • Apples or pears with the stem still attached
  • Whole nuts
  • French bread crust
  • Uncooked meat of any kind
  • Popcorn

Remember that even when you do consume these foods, it’s smart to brush your teeth after every meal so that the food doesn’t get stuck in your brackets and wires. And be sure to brush for at least two minutes each time, which may help limit how much plaque and food debris build up on your teeth throughout the day. 

If you like chewing on ice, then you may want to consider trading in your cold drinks for hot ones instead. Chewing on hard foods and ice can cause issues with the braces. Plus, it wears away at the enamel of the teeth and exposes them to an increased risk of decay.

As a reminder, talk with your dentist about what foods are best to eat during your orthodontic treatment. They can give you a better idea of what dietary changes you need to make and what foods you can eat. In some cases, you may need to give up some of your favorite snacks completely in order to have the healthiest smile possible during orthodontic care.

Get in touch with Carroll Orthodontics at 1116 W Main St, Hamilton, MT 59840, or 3920 US Hwy 93, Stevensville, MT 59870, or call (406) 363-2200 to learn more.

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